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Northern Colorado Area Plan Ault to Cloverly Transmission Project

Project And Construction Details

What You Can Anticipate During Construction

In the early stages of construction, Xcel Energy employees and contractors will work within and around the utility’s right-of-way to perform field assessments and gather information that’s used to refine the vegetation and construction plan and minimize disturbance. Survey stakes and flagging will clearly mark easement boundaries and pole locations. Work zones will provide safety barriers for construction crews and the public. Vegetation and other obstacles, such as fences and objects that impede construction, are temporarily removed or relocated within or along the edge of the easement to allow for the safe construction, operation and maintenance of the transmission line.

Vegetation trimming, pruning and removal are conducted in two phases as the project progresses. The initial phase includes removing incompatible vegetation in and around the transmission line easement. This may include vegetation outside the easement that could pose a risk, such as dead or unstable trees that are close enough to strike a line or pole if they fall. After the transmission line is built and conductor is in place, a final vegetation assessment is performed to verify proper clearance.

We take thoughtful measures to protect yards and agricultural property around our construction area by installing temporary erosion-control measures to minimize ground disturbance and keep sedimentation, from potential stormwater runoff, from leaving the construction site. We also place composite mats or riprap to stabilize the ground at right-of-way entry points and silt fences, wattles and haybales along the right-of-way to control sediment runoff.

Large, heavy equipment, including cranes, excavators, flat bed trailers and bucket trucks, are used to construct and install new structures and conductor. On occasion, we may need to temporarily stop traffic to facilitate the safe delivery of materials and equipment on and off the jobsite, but these disturbances typically last only a few minutes.

Crews work to keep the project on schedule by concurrently working in multiple areas along a line segment. As a result, you may notice lulls in construction activity near your home while crews work in other locations. We strive to be a good neighbor, respecting local noise ordinances and working to limit noise-producing construction activities outside of normal business hours of 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Local noise ordinances allow construction between the hours of 7 a.m. and 9 p.m. On occasion, our crews need the flexibility to work outside those hours to complete time-sensitive activities.

When construction is completed, inspections are conducted and restoration begins. The right-of-way will be cleared of construction materials and equipment and restoration activities will be performed.

We do not anticipate any disruption in your electric service during construction. However, unforeseen circumstances do arise at times and we must adjust our plans. Should a temporary outage become necessary to perform a portion of the work, Xcel Energy will notify you in advance.

Construction Progress And Activities

Find the latest construction progress information by selecting a segment of interest.



Build 4.4 miles of 230 kV double-circuit transmission line from the Western Area Power Administration (WAPA) Ault Substation to the new Xcel Energy Husky Substation. This transmission line will accommodate two, 230 kV circuits; however, only one circuit will be installed until additional electrical service is needed. Install fiber optic ground wire (OPGW) for length of the line.

The new Husky Substation will replace the Xcel Energy Ault 44 kV Substation, scheduled for decommissioning in summer 2024.

Construction Updates

Transmission line construction completed in the summer of 2023. Xcel Energy will collaborate with the Western Area Power Administration (WAPA) to connect Segment 1 to the WAPA Ault substation in the summer of 2024. The new transmission line will be energized once work at each substation is completed.



Build 8.8 miles of new 115/230 kV double-circuit transmission line from the new Husky Substation to the new Collins Street Substation. This transmission line will accommodate one 115 kV circuit and one 230 kV circuit; however, only the 115kV circuit will be installed until additional electrical service is needed. Installation will include fiber optic ground wire for the length of the line.

Construction Updates

Transmission line construction completed in February of 2024. Physical construction is complete at Husky Substation. Crews will continue to install/connect cable and control-work components through the summer of 2024. The new transmission line will be energized once work at each substation is completed.



Build 5.9 miles of new 115/230 kV double-circuit transmission line from the new Collins Steet Substation to the Cloverly Tap near 31510 County Road 41. This transmission line will accommodate one 115 kV circuit and one 230kV circuit; however, only the 115 kV circuit will be installed until additional electrical is needed. Installation will include fiber optic ground wire for the length of the line.

Construction Updates

Transmission line construction completed in April of 2024. Work at the Collins Street Substation began in April 2023. Grading, foundations, and physical construction are complete. Crews will continue to install/connect cable and control-work components through the summer of 2024. The new transmission line will be energized once work at each substation is completed.



Remove 1.01 miles of existing 44kV transmission line conductor and replace with new 115 kV conductor from the Cloverly Tap near 31510 County Road 41 to Weld County Road 43. Various equipment upgrades will take place inside the fence at the existing Cloverly Substation.

Construction Updates

Transmission line construction completed in April of 2024. Physical construction upgrades at the Cloverly Substation were completed in October of 2023 and activities inside the substation’s control house will continue through the summer of 2024. The new transmission line will be energized once work at each substation is completed.

Collins St. Substation Construction Timelapse Video Preview Image

From mid-September through December 2023, workers prepared the ground and poured foundations at Collins Street Substation. Throughout winter and spring months, crews will add equipment and build a wall around the substation.


Project Timeline