Project Overview
Xcel Energy continually invests in systems that strengthen the region's electric system, improve service reliability and meet the current and future needs of customers across Colorado. The Northern Colorado Area Plan is part of our comprehensive, long-range plan and commitment to provide safe and increasingly clean electricity for all customers.
Xcel Energy will modernize the electric system by replacing the existing 44 kilovolt (kV) transmission infrastructure with new, higher-voltage (115 kV and 230 kV) transmission lines between the Western Area Power Administration (WAPA) Ault Substation and Xcel Energy's existing Cloverly Substation. The project also includes two new electrical substations and improvements to two existing substations. The planned improvements will reliably serve existing and future customers and meet growing and changing energy needs.
Project Status
On March 1, 2018, the Colorado Public Utilities Commission approved the Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN) application for the Northern Colorado Area Plan. The CPCN approval allows Xcel Energy to move forward with the siting and permitting of project components included in the Plan.
In February 2019, the Town of Ault approved the site plan for the Husky Substation to replace the existing Ault 44 kV Substation, which will be decommissioned after the Husky Substation is energized. Construction began on the Husky Substation in December 2021 and should be completed in late 2024.
The proposed Ault to Cloverly Transmission Project, another component of the Northern Colorado Area Plan, was approved by Weld County and the Town of Eaton in 2022 and construction will begin in spring 2023.